Monday, July 24, 2006

We are home...but there is no evidence!!

Yes, we are back for another great summer in Canada. We've already been to BC for 12 days, Geoff's been to Newfoundland, and I've been to PEI, but we have lost our camera along to way and have no pictures to prove it.

Thanks so much to all our friends and family in BC for being such great hosts and hostesses. We had such a great time visiting with everyone. Now, because of the camera mishap, we are asking you to send any and all pictures you have of our time there to Geoff's email account. That would be awesome!!

It is definitly a busy summer, but we hope to see everyone before we take off again.

Hope everyone is enjoying their summer!!


At 1:03 p.m., Blogger Jules said...

I'll send you all the pic's i got from you, what's G's e-mail?


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