Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Great Weekend

Hey everyone,

Summer is almost here. Actually, it is here. Taiwan is having some of the hottest weather I've ever experienced. I am constantly soaked in sweat, as our apartment has no air conditioning. But I can't really complain about hot weather, since I have gone without it most of my life. This past weekend was busy and lots of fun. I had two different gigs with two different bands. I've been extremely busy with music lately. It's been fantastic.

Here's a picture from Friday night. Newt and the Slacks played at a bar called 89K. We played very well but it was mostly for Taiwanese guys watching the World Cup and paying no attention to us. This is during one of our songs called: You guessed it, The Devil.

This shot is from Peace Fest, a music festival in Longtan. It's with a band called Militant Hippi. Very fun show. It was a little sloppy on our part but the crowd loved it and were dancing for our whole set.

I feel like an egotist putting this one on but it's such a great shot. Lindsay took it and the smoke in the background looks cool. I'm still relatively new to the music scene. Smoke machines still excite me.
And look who showed up. Met up with Nicki about a half hour after the Militant Hippi set. He missed it unfortunately. But it was great seeing him and the night was still young at that point. Ended up partying till five in the morning and all through the next day.
I actually emailed this shot to Vice Magazine today. Is this guy serious? Absolutely every article of clothing he has on is ridiculous. The shirt is priceless, as are the jeans, but check out those rubber boots. And I believe he has a pink scarf tucked into his little shirt as well. I mean, come on.

There's a little update for you. Lindsay and I will be in B.C. in less than a week and in N.B. not too long after.

see you soon,


At 2:08 a.m., Blogger holly said...

We can't wait to see you guys in NB. Its going to be a great summer!

At 6:15 a.m., Blogger Tracey, Peter, Ava, Leah & Hudson said...

OMG!!!That guy is too much!!! I just had the biggest, heartiest laugh I've had in months!!! Maybe it'll make the baby come sooner!


At 11:13 p.m., Blogger Vitamin S said...

Craiger is going through an NYC Garage Rock phase and wore a strikingly similar outfit to that guys at the Canada Day Countdown on Fridey night.

No shit...


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